The country Pakistan had long existed under the old Dominion of India, and two states were produced from the partition of the old one. In 1947 the partition of India was the division of British India, and it resulted in India and Pakistan. The two significant republics that were the result of the partition were named the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the People’s republic of Bangladesh. One of the factors that influenced the division was the religion and cultural beliefs of the two regions. Based on the faith, the district was partitioned into Muslims and non-Muslims as these were the majorities in the region.
The Effect On The Nations Army
As the partition has affected both Muslims and non-Muslims, the partition also affected the nation’s army system. There was an army division to the British Indian Army and Royal Indian Navy, the Indian Civil service, the central treasury, and the railways. Besides, the partition brought about the Indian independence act in the year 1947, while the dissolution of the old British Raj can also be referred to as the Crown rule in India. Based on this partition, the self-governing countries of Pakistan and India came into existence on the 15 of August in the year 1947.
Displaced People
Although the dissolution of the two regions created two different nations, India and Pakistan, there are so many displaced people. The number of people displaced was said to be between 10 and 20 million along the religious line. This displacement created an overwhelming number of refugee crises for both new countries, which challenging to manage. The two dominions struggled to bring the situation under control, which significantly affected many people’s beliefs. Some were confused about which religion and cultural belief they were to follow. Amid these challenges for the two authorities, it was reported that there was a significant scale of violence, and many lives were lost due to the disputed partition. As a result of the violence that erupted during the division, this created an atmosphere of suspicion and some level of hatred for each other (India and Pakistan), which greatly affected their relationship as a country to date.
What The Partition Does Not Include
Although the partition was aimed at creating India and Pakistan, this partition did not cover some areas from the old country: Bangladesh, Burma, and Sri Lanka. Though there was trouble and unrest when the partition occurred, some states did not experience the troubles during the partition period based on religious beliefs. Territories like French India were totally excluded from the partition from 1947 to 1954; meanwhile, some aspects of Portuguese of Indias only came to merge with India in 1961. Furthermore, some of the new kingdoms that had their political settings were left untouched during the partition. Some of this kingdom includes Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives, and Sikkim.