Would you please tell us something about you and your site?
Hi! My name is Pulkit Tiwari! I am a 20 year old Engineering student and writing and listening to music are my primary hobbies along with many other!
POETIC CRIES OF INTERPERSONAL EXPRESSIONS is the name of my personal blog! I write on various topics covering labels like “music and lyrics” to “motivational articles”!! this blog Is my voice! An expression within me! feeling of mine are discharged, not to dispose but to share intimately with each one of you…
this is not just my blog, its a page of and for everyone who belives in one and only one god, its for all those who lives to listen to eternal music, its for everyone who loves to love, for everyone who is believes in exploring the creative part of his soul, who believes in analyzing the beauty of nature, who belives in saying what he or she feels and feeling what he or she says, its for the lovers of life in the season of darkness, its for the optimists in the valley of pessimism, its for people who live with LIFE before they die….
Do you feel that you continue to grow in your writing the longer you write? Why is that important to you?
Change is the Inevitable law of nature! It comes even if You dont desire for it! The same goes on for writing! What I write on my blog is driven by my instincts and personal thought process and not driven by the thought of what people likes to read! Sometimes I feel like writing a poem or attempting anything that I am not known for and I do that without much of a hesitation! That’s what brings the growth and the more it comes, the better it is for me! Helps me understand my strengths and weaknesses In writing!